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Letter to Public Defender Andrew Dinh

Dear Andrew Dinh, I am wondering if you have prepared a defense regarding the fact of an unlawful citizen's arrests on which the prosecution would be prohibited from basing their case for a violation of CPC 602.1 (a). Fruit of the poisoned tree. They can't prosecute me if my due process rights were violated during the arrests of April 23, and 30, 2017, and detention, of May 21, 2017 (to say nothing of the fact that there is no evidence of the charge) the citizen bringing the charge may be a victim of Korsakoff syndrome, alcoholic wet brain, he had not even heard of the code until the unlawful detention was made by the police on May 21, 2017, and had not looked it up until a week after the arrest. He said that it had too many big words so he watches u-tubes on how to do a security guard job instead of attempting to understand the charges. He insists that there is evidence that he compiled, (it's of pedestrian in roadway, someone else not me). I'm wondering why you wer